During this slower time for your business, it is a good idea to go through some general housekeeping. And no… we are not talking about deep cleaning your washing machine or organizing another closet – this is about marketing maintenance.
Review this simple list of housekeeping tasks that may have been on the back burner:
Is the contact information on your website correct? Did you move? Change your phone number? Adjusted business hours?
Are the case studies or testimonials displayed on your website current? Consider adding a more recent project or client.
Have you been neglecting your books? Give them some TLC. (Accurate financial reports help you see how your business is performing!)
Are all of your social media platforms and handles linked to your website?
Make sure all employees have an up-to-date email signature to highlight a tagline or upcoming promotion.
These sometimes tedious details are often overlooked, but now is the perfect time to get your ducks in a row! If time permits, consider working on bigger tasks like giving your website a makeover, rethinking your social media strategy or even starting a project you have always wanted to do. Whatever it may be, we wish you the best of luck. And if you need any assistance, be sure to give Team Elevate a call.